According to the Commission, the State has the duty to implement the measures it deems appropriate to protect him.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted precautionary measures in favor of former Vice President Jorge Glas, who is serving a sentence for criminal conspiracy.
The IACHR considered that this case “meets prima facie the requirements of gravity, urgency, and irreparability established in Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure.”
It also asked Ecuador to take the necessary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of Jorge Glas; particularly, valuing and implementing the most appropriate for personal circumstances and allowing the creation of conditions that ensure and respect his rights.
The IACHR requested the Government to report the Commission within a period of 15 days about the adoption of the agreed precautionary measures and to update said information periodically.
The former vice president was sentenced to six years for criminal conspiracy within the Odebrecht case. He is currently being held in Latacunga’s prison.
Source: Pichincha Comunicaciones
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