The Prefect insisted that they (the Citizen Revolution party) are “militants of life, peace, and democracy.”
Before entering Pichincha’s Prefecture and resuming her duties, Prefect Paola Pabon thanked the support of dozens of citizens who gathered outside the Provincial Government of Pichincha on Thursday. “Pichincha with Paola” several banners read.
The Prefect returned to office on January 2 after the judge of the Provincial Court revoked the preventive detention against Pabon and granted her alternative measures.
“In 2020, they find us together and organized. They find us without fear. We cannot let fear paralyze us. We want an Ecuador with democracy, with justice and employment,” Pabon said.
In addition, she said that “the only weapon we can have is democracy and we are going to prepare ourselves, because we will face the recovery of the Homeland at the polls, with the love of the people.” She insisted that they (the Citizen Revolution party) are “militants of life, peace, and democracy.”
Source: Pichincha Comunicaciones
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