Colombia exceeds 253 attacks against journalists in two months of national strike. So far the progress of the investigations or sanctions on this is not known, according to the Foundation for Press Freedom, FLIP
Journalists have suffered 100 physical attacks, 44 threats, 26 obstructions to journalistic work, 14 theft or removal of material, 17 harassment and 11 illegal detentions, among other attacks, according to FLIP.

This organization, as well as journalists from various alternative, community and popular information media, ask for respect and guarantees to carry out their work in order to guarantee the right to information.
The public forces, according to FLIP figures, have attacked members of the press with direct shots (18 cases); kicking, punching or pushing (15), assaults with stones (6), cornered or besieged (2), assaults with tear gas and stun bombs (20); attacks with bobbins, protection shields or motorcycles (11), attacks with knives (3), attacks with teaser (1) and with arrests during coverage (1).

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