(Prensa Latina) Peruvian Communist Party-Red Homeland (PC-PR) on Thursday supported the majority vote at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) against the US blockade of Cuba and called the United States to put an end to this hostile measure.
In this regard, in statements to Prensa Latina, the PC-PR Communication Secretary Luis Gárate pointed out that 184 nations spoke out against the economic, commercial and financial US blockade against Cuba and only the United States and Israel voted against and three others abstained (Colombia, Ukraine and Brazil).
Gárate deeply regretted at the same time that Colombia and Brazil ‘broke for the second time the unanimous position to support Cuba.’
According to Gárate, it is regrettable that some right-wing governments ‘prefer to turn their backs on sovereignty and solidarity to be in league with the interventionist US measures.’
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