Former Yachay workers demand that the Government pay their settlements

More than 570 people waiting for their payments, since September 2020.

On May 19, 2020, the President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, issued Executive Decree 1060, in which he ordered that the public company Siembra EP, formerly Yachay, enter into liquidation until March 25, 2021. This entity was In charge of managing the Yachay City of Knowledge project, from March 2014 to September 2020.

Because of this, on Thursday afternoon, dozens of workers protested their arbitrary disengagement in various “optimization” processes. In total, there would be around 332 people who worked under the Labor Code and 140 under the Organic Law of Public Service (LOSEP), who were separated.

According to the president of the Urcuquí Nuevo Futuro Defense Front, Doris Quimbiamba, the liquidations of all the workers have not yet been canceled, despite the fact that they were fired on September 30, 2020.

This organization, made up of former workers, Yachay Tech students and residents of this town, warned that there are multiple shortcomings in the liquidation process, since the future of approximately 7,000 assets is unknown, including computerized equipment, land and real estate .

For her part, Adriana Velasco, representative of the parents of the Yachay Tech students, warned that there is uncertainty about the future of this university house, since, since the Yachay workers were disengaged, no cleaning and maintenance of the university, this would have caused that in some houses of the university residence equipment such as kitchens and refrigerators have broken down.

In addition, she pointed out that there is a lot of insecurity, since the university no longer has a guardian service.

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