President of Ecuador requests disaffiliation of his political movement

President Lenin Moreno presented the process less than three months after the end of his mandate and when the political movement began a process of his expulsion

The National Electoral Council (CNE) issued an official notice, on March 1, to warn that the President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, presented a request for disaffiliation to Alianza PAIS.

The Secretary General of the CNE, Santiago Vallejo, sent a letter to Gustavo Baroja, Executive Secretary of Alianza PAIS, in which he reports that on February 27 of this year, the Chief Executive requested his disaffiliation from this movement.

Moreno was the President of Alianza PAIS since 2017, although in recent weeks the Ethics Commission had been asked to initiate a disciplinary process to expel him from the party.

Diego Fuentes, coordinator of the Ethics commission, confirmed Moreno’s departure from the movement and indicated that his departure gives way to the reconstruction and renewal of the political organization.

On his side, Ximena Peña, presidential candidate in these elections, indicated that Moreno disaffiliates himself from the movement to avoid his exposure.

“Today he disaffiliates, tomorrow he will flee the country. Now AP begins a deep purification and restructuring that will rescue our political identity with women, young people and new faces ”.

In the same way, Peña asserted that the movement organizes a national convention in the coming weeks to choose the new leadership of the organization.

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