The Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, stated that impunity for these crimes undermines freedom of the press.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) regretted this Wednesday that the year 2020 registered the murder of 59 journalists worldwide. Of these 4 are women.
Latin America and Asia Pacific were the most dangerous regions for communication workers. Each region records 22 homicides.
Arab countries counted nine murders of journalists and Africa six.
In the last decade, 888 information professionals were killed for carrying out their work, according to statistics from the international entity.
In its report published in November on the safety of journalists, UNESCO regretted that impunity is the norm in this area. According to their data, in 2020 no consequences were recorded in 87 percent of cases.
The Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, stated that this impunity weakens press freedom, in a historical situation, such as the coronavirus pandemic, which makes accurate information important.
“In 2020 we have witnessed the relevance of journalism for our democracies and for the protection of human rights. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has been ‘the perfect storm’ affecting press freedom everywhere, ”said Audrey Azoulay.
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