Confinement due to Covid-19 aggravated domestic violence. 308 emergencies related to violence against women, children and adolescents are registered daily, according to data from ECU 911.
According to data from the Integrated Security Service ECU 911 from March to October 2020, 70.439 emergency calls related to violence against women or other members of the family unit were reported. On average, during the Covid-19 health emergency, 308 gender-based violence emergencies were attended per day.
The figures reveal that in 90% of the cases they are women who are attacked within the family environment.
“The naturalization of shouting, insults, threats, teasing, hitting or pressure to have non-consensual sexual relations, are latent problems in our society and make domestic violence part of the reality of our country,” stated ECU 911 in your report.
As part of the statistics generated from the ECU, it is evident that Guayas with 24.962 is the province with the highest number of alerts for domestic violence in this period; followed by Pichincha with 16.040.
On the other hand, according to the data clock, the days with the highest number of reports are Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
The calls record psychological, physical, sexual violence against women or members of the family nucleus and intra-family violence. The data by province is reflected as follows:
As part of the data extracted from the statistical base managed by the Ecuadorian emergency center, it is identified that psychological violence is the subtype with the highest participation and this is followed by the subdivisions of intra-family, physical and sexual violence, as detailed in the following picture:
The pandemic leaves more consequences for women in Ecuador, a survey conducted by the Ecuadorian Center for the Promotion and Action of Women (CEPAM) reflects that 52.94% of the women surveyed, out of a representative sample of 2.000 throughout the country, felt level 1 “insecurity” (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 reflecting “security” at home), and 81.46% said they felt “humiliated” or “devalued” by their partner during confinement.
9.39% said they had been a victim of rape during quarantine. (C.D.A.)
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