The Electoral Service of Chile revealed this Sunday the first partial bulletin of the results of the constitutional plebiscite abroad.
According to the results issued by the entity and with 33.33 percent of the polls scrutinized, the Approval has 86.59 percent of the votes, while the Rejection option has 13.41 percent.
The Electoral Service reported that according to the percentage of polling stations scrutinized, the options for a Mixed Constitutional Convention and a Constitutional Convention obtain 13.89 and 86.11 percent, respectively.
Despite registered complaints of repression by the police against protesters who sought to concentrate in the Plaza de la Dignidad, at the moment the Plaza is occupied by thousands of citizens seeking an inclusive Constitution that guarantees fundamental rights.
In the afternoon of this Sunday, police attacked citizens who were arriving at the Plaza de la Dignidad, located in Santiago de Chile with jets of water and tear gas.
According to witnesses, the place is surrounded by police officers. Likewise, alternative journalists also denounced attacks by the police against their work teams.
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