The Constitutional Convention option will be the way in which the new Chilean Constitution will be drafted.
According to the third partial bulletin of the Electoral Service of Chile, 78.24 percent of the voters voted for the option “approve” to replace the current Constitution, promulgated under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
Likewise, with 35,947 polling stations scrutinized so far, the Constitutional Convention is the elected body, by 79.24 percent of the voters, to draft the new Constitution.
In this sense, President Sebastián Piñera assured that “it is a triumph for all Chileans who love democracy, unity and peace. We have shown that dialogue is more fruitful than intolerance.”
For their part, hundreds of citizens went to the Plaza Dignidad, from where they celebrate with flags and saucepans the first results that give victory to the “Approve” for a new Constitution.
The assistants also projected the word “Renace” on the Telephone Tower, at the same time, they hung a poster that read “Plaza de la Dignidad, we do not forget, 1973”.
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