CNE sets a limit on electoral spending for the campaign in the February 2021 elections

The Plenary of the National Electoral Council (CNE) approved the limit of electoral spending for the candidacies of the presidential binomial, assembly members and Andean parliamentarians who will be elected on February 7, 2021.

For the calculation of the items, the number of voters at the national level was taken into account, which, according to the electoral registry of the CNE, is 13’099.150 people.

The resolution of the collegiate body set at USD 5’239.660 the maximum amount that each presidential binomial may use to make propaganda during the electoral campaign, which will take place between December 31, 2020 and February 4, 2021.

It should be remembered that this amount does not contemplate the advertising guideline in the press, radio, television, digital media and billboards, since these items are assigned by the CNE as part of the Electoral Promotion Fund.

Regarding national assembly members, political organizations may use up to USD 3’929.745 to promote their list of candidates for the Legislature; another UDSD 130’991.50 may be allocated for the candidacies of representatives to the Andean Parliament.

For candidates for assembly members for the Special Overseas Circumscription, three values ​​have been set: USD 151.821 for Europe, Asia and Oceania; USD 76’109.40 for the United States and Canada; and USD 18.313 for Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.

Candidates for provincial assembly members have maximum spending values ​​that vary depending on the number of voters in the province.

In addition, the areas of Galapagos and the Amazon have a percentage increase in the item, according to the electoral law.

The values ​​for provincial assembly members have been determined as follows:

In addition, the plenary session of the CNE approved the issuance of the Electoral Promotion Regulations, aimed at regulating the public financing of the promotion of propaganda campaigns during the electoral processes in the country. (C.D.A.)

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