Assemblyman Ronny Aleaga will initiate legal action against prosecutor Diana Salazar

The legislator considers that there is no progress in the investigation of the INAPapers case.

After being received by the State Attorney General, Diana Salazar, to review the status of the INAPapers case, Assemblyman Ronny Aleaga rejected the official’s attitude and anticipated that she will initiate legal actions before the Judicial Council (CJ).

In his Twitter account, the legislator said that Salazar maintained a rude and threatening attitude, so he doubts that I continued with the investigation of President Lenín Moreno’s family

In addition, in statements to the press, Aleaga pointed out that it is evident that there is a lack of application of the principle of speed in the INAPapers case and in that of the popular consultation and held the prosecutor responsible for what could happen to him, to his family and colleagues.

“The people do not deserve these types of officials who threaten citizens. She knows how she has referred to me and my political organization. It is clear that political persecution will continue and the only thing they are trying to do is prevent our participation in 2021 by using justice as a mechanism of persecution ”, she said.

Meanwhile, in a tweet from the Prosecutor’s Office it is mentioned that 95 proceedings have been dispatched in the INAPapers case.

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