The Supreme Federal Court (STF) of Brazil, authorized the defense of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to access all the excerpts of the denunciation of former Minister Antonio Palocci in which his name appears.
The second chamber of the superior court determined that Lula’s lawyers will have the right not only to documents that mention him, but also to expressions such as “the Government of Lula” or “it was Lula.”
The judges understood that allowing the former leader access to the statements of those who incriminate or summon him is vital so that he can organize his line of defense.
According to magistrate Gilmar Mendes, of the STF, the determination of a total and insurmountable secret is impossible as in the case analyzed.
“Although the agreement is characterized by being a means of obtaining evidence, there is, overall, relevant evidence for the exercise of the right of defense and contradictory,” he argued.
In a statement, Lula’s defense indicated that the second chamber of the Supreme Court “ruled out another serious violation of due process that (the operation) Lava Jato had been imposing on the former president.”
Recently, the Federal Police (PF) delegate, Marcelo Feres Daher, revealed that there is no evidence in Palocci’s accusations about the alleged concealment of amounts of money attributed to Lula in BTG Pactual Bank accounts.
In the document sent to the Federal Public Ministry, Daher pointed out that the confessions of the complainant “were denied by all the witnesses, testimony and other collaborators of justice.”
Todas stressed, “seem to have been found in Internet searches, since they are based on public data, without the addition of corroborating elements, except for newspaper news.”
Palocci said there was a millionaire tuition fund for the former president managed by BTG banker André Esteves. However, these allegations were challenged in the investigation.
The former Minister of Finance during the Lula government (2003-2011) and Minister of the Presidency in the Dilma Rousseff administration (2011-2016), was sentenced to 12 years in prison in one of the processes related to the anti-corruption operation Lava Jato .
Palocci is serving his sentence at home after committing to the Prosecutor’s Office to expose his accomplices in the alleged acts of corruption, among which he especially cited the founder of the Workers’ Party.
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