Taxi drivers and carriers mobilize in Quito in rejection of the 2020 vehicle inspection

Vehicle caravans are registered to the north and south of the capital

Taxis, school and institutional transportation and urban buses are mobilizing on July 20, 2020 against the draft ordinance that contemplates applying the technical review of their units for 2020.

Carlos Brunis, representative of the Union of Transport Cooperatives of Pichincha, announced that this peaceful mobilization is in defense of life, due to the proposal of the vice mayor of Quito to apply the vehicle inspection this year.

“From the beginning of this pandemic we have been on the front line and we have ratified our commitment. Many lives have been lost in the ground transportation of Pichincha. Now, for reasons of road safety, we are required to carry out a vehicle inspection, when it has been shown that 95% of traffic accidents are drivers of private vehicles, ”said Brunis.

To the north of Quito, along Granados Avenue, there is a line of parked taxi drivers; In the south, a group of school and institutional transport drivers make a caravan, as well as urban buses, who advance through the Rumiñahui ring road.

Others are added to this claim. Members of the school bus ask the authorities for action because they have not been able to resume their work for more than four months.

While urban buses ask for an increase in fares because, now with a capacity of 30%, before, and now 50% in the units, they cannot afford the expenses.

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