The entity urges the authorities to adopt more actions in favor of this sector of society.
The Ombudsman’s Office expressed its concern regarding the 435 people deprived of liberty with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus, according to the report presented by the National Service of Comprehensive Care for Adult Persons Deprived of Liberty and Teenage Violators of Ecuador (SNAI).
In its Twitter account, the entity pointed out that with the pandemic, infections can occur nationwide. the defender urged the corresponding authorities to guarantee the rights of this group of society.
The Office of the Ombudsman collected the recommendations issued by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel Treatment, Punishment, Hymnals or Degrades regarding the situation of persons deprived of liberty in relation to the COVID pandemic- 19 to insist on your request.
The Ombudsman, as an institution defending human rights, urged the authorities related to social rehabilitation to take measures in this regard, as well as the Assembly, the Council of the Judiciary and the Ministry of Health.
According to what was recorded by the Ombudsman’s Office of the 435 people deprived of liberty with a diagnosis of coronavirus, 119 would be in the Ambato prison and two even died.
In addition, the institution warned that it is aware of the case of a teenager who was interned in the Male CAI of Guayaquil, who managed to leave the Center with an order to change the measure issued by a Judge for Children and Adolescents in the province of Guayas.
Although the Ombudsman’s Office recognized the efforts made by the SNAI and the Judicial Function, to release some people who have been entitled to prison benefits, it considered that further action is necessary.
The exits have been given by constraints and contraventions, as well as by the change of measures for adolescents, given the risk caused by the virus.
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