The Government quantified the losses due to protests in Carchi -which keep the border area with Colombia blocked- by two million dollars a day.
During a meeting with the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador (AME) in Guayaquil, the Government Minister Maria Paula Romo said that Carchi loses about two million dollars for each stoppage, without counting the damages registered in the local Government building.
Romo said that most orders have been fulfilled. She said that Tulcan’s Mayor Cristian Benavides was aware that the Vice Minister of Government is in the province to establish a dialogue with local authorities.
Since Tuesday, Carchi’s authorities called on a stoppage due to a lack of government attention. They demand resources and measures to promote their province’s development.
Local authorities assured that as long as they do not receive an official statement about dialogue, they will continue with the mobilization.
Sources: Ecuavisa, El Universo, Pichincha Universal.
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