Hernán Aguirre Bermeo, president of the Ecuadorian Intensive Care Society, asks the population to stay home.
Given the spread of the coronavirus in the country, the president of the Ecuadorian Intensive Care Society, Hernán Aguirre Bermeo, urged the population to stay home to curb the number of infections.
Aguirre, who is a specialist in Critical Medicine and is head of the Intensive Care Unit of the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital in Cuenca, indicated that it is essential that the recommendations made by the Government are first complied with and, second, that the necessary resources be provided to the health sector to face the emergency.
With this background, he said that health personnel are prepared to face the disease because the objective is to reach the goal of this “marathon” in which they are willing to suffer together with patients and their families.
He argued that the challenge to overcome the emergency is simply to stay at home, since containment policies have already been issued by the government.
“The general population will determine if this behavior of exponential spread can be stopped, with which our health system will be able to support it and perhaps not be overcome, but it depends a lot on whether they stay home and comply with hygiene standards”, emphasized.
He reiterated that it is incumbent on the Government to allocate all the necessary aid to the health system and added that with all the actions implemented, the virus, which already warns of some mutations, could be somewhat placated.
He explained that COVID-19 is severe because it initially attacks the respiratory system and that according to its evolution it can cause an aggressive inflammation to the lung tissue called acute respiratory distress syndrome and later a generalized inflammatory reaction with dysfunction of all the organs of the body. This makes the intervention of almost all medical specialties necessary.
He pointed out that people over 65 years of age or those with hypertension, diabetes or immunosuppressed states are the most vulnerable, but this does not mean that the disease is developed by people with ranges of ages lower than that indicated.
He warned that it is not usual to have in the Intensive Care Units as much movement as it currently happens because of the coronavirus.
He explained that this is due to the speed with which the COVID-19 attacks and causes a large percentage of patients to be cared for in that area.
Source: The Universe, social networks
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