Violence, robberies and homicides mark the first two months of 2020

Police personnel investigate each of the facts and even activate programs to deal with insecurity.

The numbers of murders, homicides, femicides, assaults, robberies and traffic accidents are increasing in these first two months of 2020.

After this Carnival holiday, Ecu 911 reported that 55 people died nationwide, 33 due to traffic accidents, 15 due to citizen insecurity and 7 due to drowning. Of the 15 deaths due to insecurity, 8 were victims of murder and 7 were killed.

On Saturday, February 22, a 77-year-old woman was killed inside her home in the Montecristi canton, in the province of Manabí. In this case, two people were arrested, including a grandson of the victim.

According to the first investigations, the robbery of the money kept by the woman identified as María Anchundia Piloso would have motivated the crime. The older adult would have received a cut in the abdomen.

To this death is added that of a mother and her son, barely five years old. On the night of February 24, the bodies were found inside his home, located in the sector of Prairie 1, in the south of Guayaquil.

The police captured the main suspect of these deaths and after inquiries, staff of the National Directorate of Crimes against Life, Violent Deaths, Disappearances, Extortion and Kidnappings (Dinased) found in the building traces of a drink, which would have been ingested by the deceased.

At the moment, the authorities try to clarify if another person poisoned them on the site, or if the mother decided to commit suicide together with her son.

In 2019 alone, 105 Ecuadorian households were marked by violence against women.

One of the cases that caught the attention this month is the one registered in the Uplita sector, in the Daule canton, province of Guayas, where a woman received 22 stabs last Friday, February 14.

The victim is Johanna B., who was assaulted by her ex-partner in the subject’s house when she went to withdraw her son, after the boy spent the day with his father. Both separated nine months ago. The attack occurred in front of the 9-year-old boy.

For the victim’s family, the attacker was drunk and allegedly would have locked the door securely to attack her with the knife.

On November 25, 2019, the director of Criminal Policy of the Prosecutor, Ximena Coello, in an interview granted to a media outlet, said that 86% of femicides prosecuted in Ecuador ended with conviction, crimes that represent 36 % of the cause of violent deaths of women in the country.

In turn, 82% of all were punished with the maximum penalty, some up to 40 years in jail, in particular cases with aggravating factors.

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), six out of 10 women have suffered violence in Ecuador.

In the country, 65 out of every 100 women have experienced violence: 56.9% psychological, 35.4% physical, 32.7% sexual and 16% patrimonial. 32 out of every 100 women have lived through violence in the last year.

Azuay is the province in which acts of violence are most declared. About 80 women out of a total of 100 have experienced some violent event in their lives and 46.2% in the last year.

In Calceta, Manabi, four criminals also handcuffed two older adults and hanged the man.

The victim was Elias Bitar Samanh, approximately 78, of Syrian nationality, who was engaged in poultry activity in Calceta.

All right, the preliminary police robbery of money and jewelry motivated criminals to act that way.

To this series of events is added the case of Mariana Granja, 68, when an antisocial wanted to steal her cell phone and killed her outside a shopping center in Quito at the beginning of the month.

In the case of Guayaquil, the Municipality launched, on February 21, the ‘Amiga no longer alone’ program, with which 600 aid buttons were acquired to eradicate violence against women.

In 2019, 8 cases of femicide were registered in the Main Port and so far from 2020 they are already 5.

The panic button is monitored 24 hours a day and women who have been victims of gender violence can activate it if they are at risk.

Another of the actions taken is the capture of Carlos I. B., who appeared in a video showing a weapon while threatening citizens.

This citizen will remain 90 days with pretrial detention, as reported by the governor of Guayas, Pedro Pablo Duart, in order to set a precedent so that these actions are not repeated.

Similarly, the death of six people deprived of liberty is investigated. The bodies appeared on the afternoon of Thursday, February 20, in their cells at the Turi prison in Azuay.

Prosecutor Leonardo Amoroso said that with the autopsy report, the causes of the deaths will be investigated.

Source: El Universo, El Telégrafo, Ecuavisa, Metro Ecuador, El Comercio, Extra, El Mercurio. Twitter, redes sociales

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