Several groups of women and social organizations plan on vigil outside National Assembly to ask legislators for the approval of abortion after a rape. This topic is part of the agenda and it´s being analyzed as well as other reforms for the Organic Comprehensive Criminal Code.
Different activists highlight that in a poll in July showed that 73,4 percent of citizens are in favor of ending a pregnancy in case of rape.
Congressman Sebastian Palacios said that insecure abortions are the third cause of maternal death in Ecuador, and he also stated that 47 thousand women die every year in the world because of these practices. Furthermore, Palacios stated that fighting this clandestine activity which would stop putting women at risk, is paramount.
According to numbers from Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s office, since 2015 to date there´s been 28 sentences and 320 women have been prosecuted for having an abortion.
Sources: Prensa Latina, teleSUR, Pichincha Universal
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