In the conflict zone between Ukraine and Russia there are 1,500 Ecuadorians, says the foreign minister

The Ecuadorian Foreign Minister, Juan Carlos Holguín, reported that around 1,500 Ecuadorians would be in the conflict zone between Ukraine and Russia, after the bombing recorded on the morning of February 24, 2022.

The foreign minister explained that there are about 700 Ecuadorians currently residing in Ukraine who are at risk. While another 700 Ecuadorians in Russia are close to the border, where some response from Ukraine could be received.

Among the actions they have carried out, Holguín explained that, at first, they carried out a mapping of Ecuadorians in this country to know, even, the status of their papers. In this process they have issued more than 40 documents.

To the relatives who have come to the Foreign Ministry in Ecuador, he asked them to calm down and explained that, now, with the state of emergency, their ability to provide support in situ is limited and the protocols to follow will depend on the local authorities.

Since the second week of February, less than 41 Ecuadorians have decided to leave the country. Most, he said, preferred to stay in the city. This, because it seemed distant that there was an attack in the previous days.

Regarding the humanitarian corridor, in case the situation escalates and Ecuadorians want to leave the country, Holguín explained that he is not sure that Russia can guarantee respect for a humanitarian corridor.

Holguín reported on several actions that have been carried out within the contingency plan, including an exit protocol. In addition, he assured that Poland and Slovenia will admit Ecuadorians who decide to leave Ukraine without having a Schengen visa.

In another topic, he also referred to the trade between Ecuador and Russia, now that the conflict has begun. He explained that all trade protocols were activated so that Ecuadorian exports are not affected. He mentioned that the main thing is the safety of Ecuadorian citizens and a team from the Ministry of Commerce is carrying out the necessary actions.

Minutes later, President Guillermo Lasso published: Ecuador condemns Russia’s decision to launch a military operation and the violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Armed aggression violates the principles of the United Nations Charter, and in particular the peaceful settlement of disputes.

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