Argentine President testifies in Vialidad case

 (Prensa Latina) Argentine President Alberto Fernandez testified on Tuesday as a witness in the s Vialidad case, which investigates alleged irregularities in the awarding of national public works in Santa Cruz province from 2003 to 2015.

The case, in which Vice-President Cristina Fernandez is charged, also implicates 12 other people for alleged corruption in the works.

Due to his position as former Chief of Staff at that time, the president testified on Tuesday as a witness in the Comodoro Py courts, after his testimony was requested by the defense attorney for Vice-president Cristina Fernandez and two other defendants, businessman Lazaro Baez and former Planning Minister Julio De Vido.

“I am very surprised by the sense of this case. They are here discussing political decisions, which cannot be judged,” the president said in his statement, and added that the decisions made in budgetary matters were not arbitrary.

The approval of a budget is not decided by a president, it is a job that involves many jurisdictions and then goes to Congress, he added.

While testifying before the Federal Oral Court 2, the head of State emphasized that “there is no single criterion to distribute public works. It is politics and politics is the art of managing reality and reality is changeable.”

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