6 out of 10 Ecuadorians describe President Lasso’s management as bad or very bad

President Guillermo Lasso has a 60% negative rating in his management, according to the latest survey published by Opinion Profiles.

According to the study, 46.97% of those surveyed rate the President’s management as poor, while 13.19% rate it as very poor.

Compared to 32.84% who consider that the President’s work was good and 13.19% very good.

In Guayaquil it has a greater disapproval with more than 60% and in Quito it is almost 58%.

Despite the fact that it had an increase in its approval in December 2021, after the increase in the Unified Basic Salary (SBU), it begins 2022 with low acceptance, in the midst of an institutional security crisis.

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