Syria, Russia continue anti terrorists operations

(Prensa Latina) The Syrian and Russian armed forces launched air strikes against jihadist group targets in the northern and northwestern areas of this Arab nation, military sources quoted by local media reported on Sunday.

Caves taken as headquarters and barracks by the Islamic State terrorist group (Daesh, in Arabic) were destroyed by Russian and Syrian fighter strikes in the areas of Atherya and Rasafa located between the administrative boundaries of the provinces of Hama, Raqa and Aleppo, an official told al-Watan newspaper.

He added that similar targets were also bombed in the vast desert area of al-Badiya in eastern Homs province where radicals launched sporadic attacks on military positions and distant civilian communities.

According to the officer, the jihadist positions were destroyed and they suffered dozens of casualties in their ranks.

The Syrian army artillery also opened fire on a position of the so-called Levant Liberation Board – formerly al-Nousra Front – in the northern province of Idlib.

Military sources said the action was carried out in response to an attack by the radicals of this group registered on the international terrorism list, against military points.

In Idlib, extremist organizations are entrenched and frequently attack military positions and civilian communities, thus violating the ceasefire declared by Turkey and Russia in that province.

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