UN representative La Lime describes situation in Haiti as serious

(Prensa Latina) The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Haiti Helen La Lime on Thursday described present situation in Haiti as too serious after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.

After a UN Security Council (UNSC) closed-door meeting, La Lime told the press that Haiti really needs international support to probe into its president´s assassination and also urgently requires aid in terms of security.

In this regard, Le Lime stated that UNSC is posed to send experts since there is also a strong commitment from the UN political mission in Haiti.

La Lime said local police is tracking down possible suspects in president’s murder, who took refuge in two buildings in Port-au-Prince.

Four armed gangers who attacked the presidential palace on Wednesday and shot Moïse and his wife were killed by law enforcement officials and six others are in police custody, La Lime said, while saying she had no information on perpetrators´ identity. Moïse was assassinated in a cowardly way and now we must wait for Haitian police to conduct probing investigations in this regard, said La Lime.

For her consideration, next two weeks will be pivotal to ensure that the thorough investigation into Haitian president´s murder brings the perpetrators of this heinous attack to justice.

She considered the interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph holds the responsible authority in Haiti as long as new Prime Minister Ariel Henry, appointed last Monday, has not sworn in.

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