Ash from the Sangay volcano affects Ecuador’s provinces

The Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic School reported that due to the eruptive activity of the Sangay volcano, the ash cloud would advance to the Morona Santiago and Bolívar provinces after reaching Chimborazo.

Through satellite images, the technicians of the Institute indicated that a thin cloud of gas and ash can be seen that reaches 1 kilometer above the crater and heads northwest. Consequently, there is a slight possibility of ashfall in the aforementioned provinces.

The entity indicated that this phenomenon has been persistent within the current eruptive period that began in May 2019 and anticipated that it remains vigilant of the event and will inform in a timely manner in case of detecting changes in the seismic signals.

The phenomenon was also detected by the cameras of the ECU 911 and together with the National Service of Risk and Emergency Management of Ecuador (SNGRE) they carry out a monitoring.

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