Ecuador will keep its border with Colombia closed

Ecuador will still keep its border with Colombia closed, as a measure to prevent COVID-19. The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry reported that they are holding dialogues for a possible reopening of borders in a gradual, orderly and gradual manner.

The statement issued by the Ecuadorian authorities is due to the announcement made by the Colombian authorities to open the passage, as a measure to support the reactivation of border communities. According to the Colombian Interior Minister, Daniel Palacios, the reopening will take place on May 17.

On the Ecuadorian side, the authorities reported that the passage will still be closed and, at the moment, there is no decision and date for the reopening of the Rumichaca International Bridge.

He explained that he maintains dialogues with the authorities of the Republic of Colombia to achieve a joint and coordinated proposal for a possible reopening of borders, when the health situation allows it. They report that they are negotiating a binational protocol, which has been proposed by Ecuador.

However, the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry expressed to its institutional counterpart its total willingness to cooperate with that country, for humanitarian reasons, in the transit of basic consumer goods, given the shortage that exists on the Pacific coast of Nariño, for which some formulas are being analyzed.

The closure of the borders began in March 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic in the country. In the case of the border with Colombia, the Emergency Operations Committee (COE-Nacional, the entity that has the competence to authorize the reopening, established Rumichaca as the only point of entry into the country on the common border by land, for the passage of cargo, merchandise and related immigration control.

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