Ecuadorian workers condemn US blockade against Cuba

 (Prensa Latina) The Ecuadorian Workers’ Forum added its voice to that of other groups in this South American country to demand an immediate end of the United States blockade against Cuba.

The claim, released in a statement, points out that the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US on Cuba will always be condemned by the working class and its grassroots and revolutionary organizations, fighters for political changes in Ecuador, labor rights and Latin American integration.

Our duty is to defend the fairest causes and, in this case, to reaffirm the noble tradition of brotherhood, solidarity and continental struggle of Eloy Alfaro and Cuban Apostle Jose Marti, the text underlines.

It also recalls that for more than six decades, imperialism has ‘obsessively’ tried to stifle the Cuban people, with policies that have generated enormous economic losses, attempted isolation and restrictions on international trade.

In this regard, it warns that, amid the current Covid-19 pandemic, which has killed millions of people in the world, Washington continues to show the grotesque face of the capitalist system, whose objective is profit and exploitation.

Nevertheless, it claims that despite all the obstacles and crude impositions, Cuba is moving forward with the development of vaccines against Covid-19, alongside other nations that are considered world powers.

‘From the Ecuadorian Workers’ Forum we send our embrace to the brave Cuban people and their revolutionary government and we join our voice to the worldwide clamor that rejects the cowardly and criminal economic blockade,’ the statement concludes.

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