Malpass clarified that the country has yet to restructure a considerable amount of debt. Ecuador will receive USD 7.15 billion from multilaterals in the last quarter of the year.
At a press conference held this Wednesday, October 14, David Malpass, president of the World Bank, insisted that Ecuador should continue to reschedule the foreign debt that it maintains with this organization, in order to “reduce” it.
“The great debt of Ecuador, accumulated from previous years, must continue to be reprogrammed, restructured,” so that “it is reduced,” said Malpass.
According to the official, the country has done well in restructuring foreign debt bonds. However, despite the fact that the current government has prioritized the payment of debt in the midst of a health emergency, the president of the multilateral clarified that there is still a considerable amount of debt payments that have not been restructured.
He urged the country to take this amount into account for this new negotiation process and agreements with the World Bank.
As is the custom of this type of financial organization, he praised the “progress” that Ecuador has achieved with multilaterals such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank itself and encouraged them to continue on the same path.
“Ecuador has been working closely with the World Bank and the IMF to strengthen their economic program and they are making good progress,” he said.
He assured that the entity that Malpass presides over will support Ecuador in everything possible for the country to go through this complex economic context.
In this context, which is not very favorable for the country, President Lenín Morneo, a few weeks ago, said that in the next three months USD 7.15 billion will be received from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Corporation Andina de Fomento and Chinese banks.
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