Municipality of Quito will deploy more than 2.000 agents to control crowds and traffic

The controls will be in cemeteries, churches, viewpoints, shopping centers, courts, bars and nightclubs.

For the control of cemeteries, land terminals, 14 metropolitan parks and other sites of the Metropolitan District of Quito for the holiday of the Day of the Dead and the Independence of Cuenca, the Municipality will deploy 2 095 members of the Fire Department, metropolitan agents, of the Control Agency (AMC) and the Metropolitan Transit Agency (AMT).

The Secretary of Security, César Díaz, pointed out that during the four days off, 282 cameras will be active for control on the roads, 203 of them that perform facial recognition and 1,518 cameras connected to the ECU 911 system.

Meanwhile, the AMT reported that its actions will focus on preventive operations in streets and avenues, controls at land terminals and in places of massive influx of people.

The entrance and exit axes of the capital such as the Simón Bolívar, Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Interoceánica, Mariscal Sucre avenues and the Panamericana Norte, Ruta Viva and Autopista General Rumiñahui roads will be monitored by the agents.

The entity indicated that in the controls the qualifying titles of drivers, condition of tires, capacity will be verified. Also the use of license plates, tinted windows, informal transportation, speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. 200 agents are expected to tour the city in mobile operations.

The Metropolitan Control Agency, on the other hand, established five lines of action. It will control the crowds, the use of a mask, the libadores, capacity and entertainment centers not allowed.

In addition, all controls will focus on cemeteries, churches, viewpoints, shopping centers, courts, bars and discos. They will participate in the operations 355 works

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