On National Human Rights Day, 7 people were killed in Bogotá, overnight in protests against police brutality

The Colombian Defense Minister announced the arrival of at least 300 soldiers to reinforce Police operations in Bogotá.

Colombian Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo reported that the death toll rose to seven during the day of demonstrations against police abuse in the capital and other cities in the country.

The report was confirmed by the director general of the National Police (E), Major General Gustavo Alberto Moreno Maldonado. To the five murdered by the Police, two people were added who remained in medical centers and lost their lives during the last hours.

Likewise, the Defender la Libertad network indicated the existence of more than 140 wounded, mostly due to police actions. For their part, social activists denounce that the country’s capital, Bogotá, is militarized.

The Defender la Libertad network had reported that several of the people were wounded by firearms during the protests over the murder of Colombian lawyer Javier Ordóñez at the hands of the Police in the city of Bogotá.

In the Defending Freedom bulletin, it indicates that around 45 people were detained by the police forces.

Faced with the acts of police violence, the network demanded an end to the repression against civil society, and investigations and exemplary sanctions be carried out against the agents responsible for these acts.

They also called on the authorities to initiate investigations against the officials involved in the attacks against the protesters.

Before the day of protests in the Colombian capital, the Colombian Defense Minister announced the dispatch of police officers and 300 members of the Colombian army to reinforce the operations of the Police in the Colombian capital.

Several political and social organizations have denounced attacks on human rights defenders and journalists by the Police.

The protests broke out this Wednesday in Bogotá and other parts of Colombia, due to the death of 46-year-old lawyer Javier Ordóñez at the hands of police officers.

Colombian media reported demonstrations against police abuse in the north and west of the capital. Also in the cities of Medellín (northwest), Cali (southwest) and Neiva (center).

Source: Telesur

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