There are candidates who have not yet decided to participate or do not have a political movement to support them. In the case of AP, the primaries will be on Saturday.
Next Sunday is the deadline for holding primary elections in which political organizations will have to choose their candidates to participate in the 2021 elections. But there are still candidates who have no movement or do not accept to go for presidential dignity.
Galo Cabanilla is one of those cases. He was invited on July 29 by the Unity for the Homeland to agree to run for the Presidency of the Republic. Proposal that still analyzes it.
The evangelical pastor Gerson Almeida confirmed that he will be a pre-candidate, but the movement that will champion him has not yet been defined. He waits until Saturday to have everything clear.
In the case of the economist Óscar Brito, he will participate independently.
Meanwhile, the ruling PAIS Alliance (AP) movement has José Serrano, Gustavo Baroja, Ximena Peña and Marco Troya as presidential options.
The designation of who will represent them in the next elections will depend on the results of the polls and the primaries scheduled for next Saturday, August 22.
The executive secretary of AP, Gustavo Baroja, confirmed that AP will present itself to the electoral process with its own candidates. But due to a different reality that exists in the provinces, they are willing to establish alliances for other dignities.
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