Tourist attractions are ready to receive visitors during the holiday

Despite the pandemic, the authorities and Chambers of Tourism say that biosafety protocols have been implemented to counter contagions.

Amid the health emergency, spas, lagoons, and waterfalls are ready to greet visitors during the three-day holiday for the First Cry of Independence.

Days before, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works reported that interprovincial transport service is enabled in 14 provinces (28 cantons).

According to a report by the Ministry of Transportation, there are about 11,000 buses to travel between Pastaza, Santa Elena, El Oro, Manabí, Santo Domingo, Loja, Zamora Chinchipe, Chimborazo, Los Ríos, Bolívar, Cañar, Guayas, Tungurahua and Azuay.

For example, in Baños, signs were posted on preventive measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infections.

In Baños, located in the province of Tungurahua, reservations for this August 10 holiday reach 15%.

The Municipality indicated that 21 establishments that offer lodging comply with all biosafety protocols to prevent contagion due to the coronavirus. Even signs would have been placed to avoid crowds.

Carmen Luna, president of the Chamber of Tourism of Baños, stated that five restaurants, two cafeterias and an ice cream parlor have international disinfection standards.

The inns have biosecurity supplies and supplies to face the pandemic.

In the Santa Rosa de Runtún community there is also expectation for the tourist attraction of the Tree House. Herminia Guevara, owner of the Flight of the Condor swing, says that through social networks tourists have made inquiries to travel this weekend and to whom she has indicated that they are ready to receive them.

In Imbabura, the tourism sector recommends visiting Lake San Pablo, the Mojanda and Yahuarcocha lagoons.

In Atuntaqui, the textile capital of Imbabura, there are 360 ​​clothing, home goods and fabric stores that promote discounts. Disinfection devices have also been placed on this site, as well as Cotacachi, where leather goods warehouses are located.

In the case of the Esmeraldas province, five beaches are enabled, the only ones in the country together with Bajo Alto, in El Oro.

After the authorization granted by the Emergency Operations Committees, the hotel sector of Atacames, Tonsupa, Súa, Same and Tonchigüe already has some reservations.

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