Quito landfill faces inconvenience with waste

The Public Company for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste will declare an emergency.

The lack of treatment of the leachates (liquid waste from the garbage), as well as the end of the useful life of one of the basins, would jeopardize the operation of the El Inga sanitary landfill.

Councilman Eduardo del Pozo toured the landfill and found that bucket 9B can only work until the end of August.

Del Pozo indicated that the management of the Public Company for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste (EMGIRS-EP) has implemented an emergent plan to extend the capacity of bucket 9B for a few more weeks until bucket 10 is ready, which is already in process Bidding.

Regarding leachates, he stated that there are many cubic meters without being treated, and this means that the pools are full and about to overflow.

He warned that if these liquids are not treated they could reach the rivers and cause problems in the environment.

He said that the management of the Public Company for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste will issue an emergency declaration regarding this issue.

The idea is that after a tender the winning company will carry out the treatment of this waste.

Source: El Universo, social networks

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