In Ecuador there are fewer people empowered to vote in the next presidential elections

The National Electoral Council carried out a process of purging the electoral roll. According to the CNE, there is a decrease in the number of eligible voters for the 2021 general elections.

There are around 13 million citizens who will be able to exercise their right to vote. This figure is lower compared to that of the electoral roll of the 2019 sectional elections.

According to the electoral body, the reduction is due to the exclusion of foreigners and those who have not exercised their right to vote during the last four elections. In this passive registry there are around 604,417 Ecuadorian citizens.

The people excluded and who are part of the passive registration will be able to vote as long as they confirm their intention to vote through digital platforms until July 19.

According to the latest report of the National Electoral Council, around 842 citizens expressed their willingness to vote in the 2021 general elections, therefore they left the passive registry.

Also, 279 foreign citizens registered to vote, so they are empowered for the electoral process.

On the other hand, the National Electoral Council indicated that they await the results of the audit carried out by the General Comptroller of the State on the electoral roll.

Political parties and movements may also make observations to the electoral registry based on the protocol approved by the CNE on June 19.

In accordance with the reform of the Democracy Code, organizations that will participate in the electoral process may request a copy of the register of the jurisdiction to which they correspond. Then they have 15 days to verify the information and submit their observations.

Voter information is reserved, therefore the representatives of the movements that request the copy of the register must guarantee the proper use of the information and, prior to delivery, sign a confidentiality agreement. (C.D.A.)

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