On the night of Saturday, October 5, 2019, the website www.pichinchauniversal.com.ec received 4 complaints about an alleged violation of copyright. These complaints were about 2 images of President Lenin Moreno; 1 from Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner and 1 from the Cabinet.
Our media always uses images with their respective sources. The images of Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, were taken from the message to the nation of October 3, 2019, and of a national chain of April 11 of this year. In this sense, we do not violate any right or privacy rule, because they were events transmitted in all media and on multiple digital platforms.

In the same way, the image of Vice President, Otto Sonnenholzner, was taken from his Twitter with its respective source. In addition, the images that are uploaded to social networks, no longer belong to an entity or institution, but they are part of the archives of the platform on which it was published.

On the other hand, the photography of the Cabinet was taken from another media that was also cited. This is a clear persecution because another portal also published this photo and it does not have a complaint about doing so.

To avoid future inconveniences and to continue exercising ethical and pluralistic journalism, we have decided to remove these photographs. Nevertheless, we do not agree with these attacks by the Presidency.
Despite the fact that the National Government has declared itself a “friend of the media” that respects Freedom of speech, on many occasions, he uses these types of complaints to attack media that do not share their ideology.
It is important to remember that it is not the first time that this happens. This same mechanism has been used against digital media such as Ecuadorinmediato.com and ElEstado.net; Unfortunately, the first one had to close due to this type of pressure.
In conclusion, we also alert citizens that our media has suffered multiple attacks in recent weeks. On October 3, three men cut the electricity of our installations. This is the exact moment in which we were reporting protests for the economic measures taken by President Moreno.
Similarly, in the last week, our website has received around 1500 threats to be taken off the web. They have succeeded at times, but our professional team has managed to solve these problems.
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