The volcano began its eruptive process in May 2019
The National Risk and Emergency Management Service (SNGRE) declared on Tuesday June 16, 2020, a yellow alert in the province of Chimborazo for the eruptive activity of the Sangay volcano.
Technical resolution No. SNGRE-DMEVA-2020-013, carried out last Tuesday, indicates that the trend is for the volcano to maintain continuous eruptive activity
“Alternating phases of greater eruptive activity with phases of less activity, this corresponds to a continuity in the emission of the lava flow, developing events of ash fall associated with explosive activity.”
A factor considered by the SNGRE is the direction and speed of the wind, which at this time of year is usually strong and maintains a direction to the west, which is why ash fall is expected in populations located within that range.
The cantons of Alausí, Chunchi, Riobamba and Guamote (west of the Sangay volcano) reported ash falls over the past week.
The technical report also establishes the continuous state of alert, to which the Provincial Emergency Operations Committee and the Cantonal Emergency Operations Committees of the province of Chimborazo must be subject, to avoid any negative event of the factors that generate the alert.
The resolution also provides for the Geophysical Institute of the National Polytechnic School (IGEPN) to continue monitoring and generating information permanently on the state of alert and the activity of the Sangay volcano.
Source: Ecuador Risks
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