“I am going to speak on behalf of all the patients who were offered telemedicine, and so far we are waiting,” she said.
The councilor of Quito, Brith Vaca (Fuerza Compromiso Social), announced that she was infected with COVID-19. She called the government health care line 171 and they did not respond. She denounced lack of attention and alleged negligence throughout the process.
The councilor’s announcement was made after the Health Minister, Juan Carlos Zevallos, reported on the epidemiological situation in Quito before the plenary session of the Quito Metropolitan Council, which met on May 26, 2020.
“I am going to speak on behalf of all the patients who were offered telemedicine, and so far we are waiting,” she said in her speech via zoom. Additionally, she claimed failures during her recovery process.
She criticized that on May 14 they informed her that she was already discharged, without having done the control and confirmation tests. In addition, she questioned that the certificate, issued by the authorities, did not have the correct data.
I use “water with vinegar and bicarbonate, with paracetamol, and eucalyptus,” said the official because they did not respond to the line that the Government established for citizens to communicate and detect whether or not they have symptoms.
Yesterday, the Health Minister reported that the peak of infections in Quito was between April 26 and 30, with a maximum number of 132 infected daily. In addition, he said that 54% of people confirmed with coronavirus broke the quarantine at some point.
Source: El Comercio
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