More than 60 million Americans tuned in to watch the first-ever televised debate between the two candidates who ran for the White House.
Republican candidate Vice President Richard Nixon and Senator John F Kennedy, the Democratic candidate, appeared in a studio in Chicago, Illinois, for the first of a series of four debates.
In his summing up, Nixon said: “I stand for programs that will mean growth and progress. But it is also essential that he (Senator Kennedy) not allow a dollar spent that could be better spent by the people themselves.”
Kennedy replied: “The question before us all…is: can freedom in the next generation conquer, or are the Communists going to be successful? That’s a great issue. And if we meet our responsibilities I think freedom will conquer.”
Richard Nixon went on to become President in 1969. His many successes included reducing tensions with China and the USSR. The Watergate scandal led to his resignation in 1974.
Source: BBC
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