Compatriots who wish to return to Ecuador must cover all their expenses

Ecuadorians who use repatriation flights must take advantage of the mandatory isolation upon arrival.

The Government Minister, María Paula Romo, announced that although humanitarian flights for Ecuadorians stranded abroad will be reactivated, the Government will not be responsible for logistics, financing and accommodation.

She clarified that the work of the authorities is clearly that of coordination and ruled out the possibility that returnees can do Compulsory Preventive Isolation (APO) in their homes, because compliance is more difficult to control.

She commented that the repatriation protocols for Ecuadorians and foreigners residing in the country are being adjusted, as well as for Galapagos residents who are on the Continent. She estimated to have a resolution on this matter tomorrow.

Regarding the number of flights and the number of beneficiaries, he did not give figures, because that depends on the capacity of the health system to carry out the tests and isolation spaces for possible infections.

Romo clarified that the Government is not setting costs for flights, because that is something specific to airlines and what the Ministry of Public Works and Transport does is coordinate to avoid abuses.

She stated that these types of actions are also carried out with regard to hotels and lodging centers.

She added that the people who are going to return must confirm their accommodation, as well as cover the food expenses during those days.

So far, 2,500 Ecuadorians have returned to the country, but the Foreign Ministry estimates that 5,500 more compatriots are seeking to return.

Source: The Universe, Chancellery, Ministry of Government

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