Two prosecutors were suspended for incidents at a party in the midst of a health emergency

A video broadcast on social networks shows the moment of the arrest of a prosecutor in the city of Ibarra.

The State Attorney General’s Office suspended two prosecutors from the province of Imbabura. Incidents from a party during the curfew would be the cause.

The incident was registered in the Aloburo sector, in the north of the city of Ibarra, when police personnel arrived at the scene and arrested a prosecutor along with two men and three sex workers.

The agents came for a telephone call for help, which one of the women made to the ECU 911, after one of those involved threatened her.

According to investigations, the three men hired sex workers to go to a private home, despite the fact that there is a curfew in the country between 14:00 and 05:00. In exchange, they offered USD 50 to each woman.

The party went on normally until one of the women realized that it was being recorded on a cell phone without her consent.

The woman would soon have picked up the phone to try to erase the images, but she was threatened by a man, with a firearm, who forced her to return the device.

Following this incident, the sex workers managed to take refuge in a bathroom and one of them contacted ECU 911.

When the Police arrived, both men and women left the house in a car and were intercepted by the agents.

The officers found a firearm and seven cartridges on the property. They also confiscated cell phones.

A video broadcast on social networks shows the moment of the prosecutor’s arrest, in which even threats are heard from one of the people who carried out the operation.

The prosecutor called the action illegal and insisted that it is due to a personal matter.

On April 15, the blatant hearing was held in a reserved manner for the alleged crime of intimidation. The judge in charge ordered the opening of a preliminary investigation, for the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate whether there was a crime.

However, the prosecutor did not request the arrest of those involved or refer to other elements, such as the violation of the curfew, the discovery of a firearm, the filming with the cell phone, the transfer of the women in a vehicle apparently against his will.

For the prosecutor, there were not enough elements to initiate a fiscal instruction or to speak of a flagrant crime.

Given this position, the prosecutor was also suspended in order to investigate her actions.

According to a statement from the State Attorney General’s Office, the suspension will be for a maximum of 90 days and will not imply loss of remuneration.

Source: El Comercio, Ecuador Today, Prosecutor’s Office, social networks

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