Government pays wages to public sector workers

The accreditation for March was made this April 16.

Through his Twitter account, President Lenín Moreno announced that this Thursday, April 16, the public sector wages for the month of March were paid.

This Friday, April 17, it is planned to cover payments to the Presidency, Vice Presidency and the Ministry of Economy.

Until April 15, the date on which these accreditations were to be made was uncertain. Even the Minister of Economy and Finance, Richard Martínez, himself expected resources to come in to fulfill that responsibility.

Finance prioritized payments to public officials who remain on the front lines in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19. This group includes: health personnel, the National Police, the Armed Forces, security agents and Guayaquil officials, as they are part of the province most affected by the pandemic.

Martínez also announced that this week they hope to finish paying the Education sector, considered a priority at this time.

Source: Twitter, Pichincha Universal, social networks

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