Third person diagnosed with coronavirus dies in Ecuador

He was hospitalized in the province of Guayas

This Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the Secretary of Risk Management, Alexandra Ocles, confirmed the death of a 63-year-old man, infected with coronavirus in the province of Guayas. With him, there are three people who died from this pandemic in the country.

The Secretary of State reported that the patient resided in Guayaquil and is not related to the primary case. He said that in Guayaquil the virus is already community. For this reason, they will carry out all the investigation with the relatives to establish the epidemiological fence.

Ocles explained that the patient was under medical surveillance and was one of those hospitalized in the province.

In addition, she rejected the action of the society on the recommendations issued by the National Government. He made a call for attention so that all citizens, especially in Guayas, which is the province with the most confirmed cases, comply with these provisions.

With the 63-year-old patient, there are three people who died from COVID-19. The first was patient zero who arrived from Spain and died on March 13. The second person who died was the sister of the primary case.

As of noon on March 18, there are 168 confirmed cases nationwide.

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