Guatemala´s Public Health and Social Assistance Ministry (MSPAS) on Friday reported the tenth case of monkeypox in the country.
According to a MSPAS´ latest report, the tenth monkeypox case goes to a 26-year-old man, and another 33-year-old man, reported by Social Security.
Both individuals are residents of the department of Guatemala, as the previous ones, and no contact was detected between them or with those already confirmed so far.
Out of the total number of infected patients, three have already recovered, two are under health surveillance and three others remain as possible cases, while 16 have been came back negative, according to the press release.
Health professionals are currently monitoring health progress of these new patients who remain isolated at home screening while the epidemiological investigation is ongoing.
MSPAS reminded that monkeypox virus is a disease transmissible by direct contact with body fluids, skin lesions, mucous membranes or contaminated material, such as bed linen or towels, as well as surfaces used by previously infected people.
Health authorities called for the population to go immediate to hospitals just in case of rashes on face, inside the mouth and other parts of the body.
Other signs may include fever, swollen lymph nodes, headache, muscle and body aches.
Among hygienic prevention measures, health aauthorities recommend avoiding direct contact with body fluids of people with skin lesions, as well as hugs, massages, mouth-to-mouth kisses, mouth-to-skin kisses and sexual contact.
Prensa Latina
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