The ambulance units house an operating room, pharmacy, basic clinical laboratory, echo sonography, triage, hospitalization, among others.
The basic hospital of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS) of Esmeraldas already has support. A contingent of mobile health units of the Armed Forces arrived last Friday to the city to strengthen the health care of the Emerald population. The support will be endorsed with the signing of an interinstitutional agreement.
It transpired that these units were part of a mobile hospital that operated in Riobamba (Chimborazo) and was transferred in order to strengthen the capabilities of the IESS medical-care services.
A similar contingent of 11 vehicles supported the medical services of Teodoro Maldonado Hospital, of the IESS of Guayaquil, when it was declared in a state of emergency.
Ambulance vehicles house an operating room, pharmacy, basic clinical laboratory, sonography, triage, hospitalization, kitchen, x-rays, among others.
Meanwhile, the authorities, retirees and pensioners demand the construction of the Social Security specialties hospital and the reopening of the Delfina Torres de Concha hospital.
Source: El Universo, social networks
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