Youth against cancer declare a hunger strike due to lack of payment from the Government of Ecuador

It is not the first time that in the Government of Guillermo Lasso, patients with serious or catastrophic illnesses protest the absence of the State. This Wednesday, February 23, 2022, the Youth Association Against Cancer declares a hunger strike.

From outside the Presidential Palace, the technicians of the Association, with the support of “the warriors” -as those who have this disease are called-, initiated this de facto measure due to the lack of payments to the 2022 agreements with the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES).

«What do we ask? Let them sign the agreement”, exclaim the protesters, some from their wheelchairs, others leaning on their crutches or carrying oxygen tanks.

This scene was already repeated a few months ago, when patients with catastrophic diseases or orphans held several sit-ins due to the shortage of medicines.

“The MIES cannot abandon children, youth and adults with cancer, with disabilities, without work,” they claim.

They point out that there is a delay in payments of more than 10 months. Teachers and psychologists who work at the foundation have not received their salary. However, they have not stopped working because they do not want to abandon patients and their families.

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