Trade union organizations in Ecuador announce national mobilization for March 23

The social organizations that make up the General Union of Workers of Ecuador (UGTE) announced a national mobilization for next March 23.

The representatives of the unions such as the National Union of Educators (UNE); the Popular Front; and the Unitary Front of Workers reported that they will reactivate the social struggle in defense of social security, state-owned companies and labor rights.

Nelson Erazo, representative of the Popular Front, criticized that the Executive intends to privatize State assets such as electrical companies, the National Telecommunications Corporation (CNT), oil companies, the Banco del Pacífico and the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS), through the investment law, which he delivered yesterday to the National Assembly.

“Faced with the announcement of the formation of a specialized commission for social security, it is evident that privatization is accelerating in our country,” he stressed.

For his part, the vice president of the FUT, José Villavicencio, also rejected the formation of this commission to elaborate social security reforms and ratified the actions of social struggle.

“Unfortunately, President Lasso was used to serving Ecuadorians, through the Bank of Guayaquil, and not serving Ecuadorians,” he emphasized.

In this way, the leaders of the different organizations announced that from this Thursday, February 24, they will begin mobilization actions in different provinces of the country, in defense of the rights of society and in the framework prior to the great mobilization for February 23. March.

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