Ecuador and the Dominican Republic advance towards a trade agreement

Ecuador and the Dominican Republic advance in the proposal for negotiations to finalize a partial scope trade agreement.

The project was born from a Memorandum of Understanding signed in November 2020, which established a Joint Working Group to promote and promote commercial exchanges, investments and the productive chain of the two countries.

In this context, the Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries, Julio José Prado, met with the Dominican Foreign Minister, Roberto Álvarez, and a team, to review the progress of the Memorandum.

The appointment was part of a visit by the Ecuadorian Minister and a delegation to the Caribbean country, in which he presented the current trade policy of this Andean nation.

As Prado specified on Twitter, during his stay he held meetings with representatives of the public and private sectors, in addition to visiting the free zone and talking with investors.

Other topics addressed were related to the investment attraction policy and how both economies can complement each other through possible productive linkages.

For its part, the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries specified that both states historically maintain a positive trade balance.

According to the details, in 2021 non-oil exports to that destination reached 106 million dollars, which represented a growth of 21.1 percent compared to the same period in 2020.

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