Colombia Groups call for total decriminalization of abortion

 (Prensa Latina) Women from the Causa Justa group (Just Cause) and other organizations on Thursday protested in front of the Colón Theater in this capital to call for the Constitutional Court to decriminalize abortion in Colombia.

According to this group, which has been advocating for the right of Colombian women to this procedure for several years, there are more than 90 arguments that demonstrate the need to eliminate the identification of abortion as a crime from the Penal Code.

If this is achieved, Causa Justa assures, it would be an advance for women, society and democracy.

Among these arguments, it points out the autonomy of women as a fundamental right that must be guaranteed and protected, besides being an indispensable requirement for the construction of peace as it is a fundamental axis for equality.

It also points out that the prohibition of abortion perpetuates cultural practices that render women as incomplete citizens and with enormous limitations to decide and carry out their life projects.

It emphasizes that motherhood must be chosen and planned in accordance with a personal idea of physical, mental and emotional well-being; in no way can it be an imposed task.

In Colombia, sentence C-355 of 2006 of the Constitutional Court partially decriminalizes abortion in three specific cases: violent carnal access or abusive sexual act, deformity of the fetus that prevents it from living optimally outside the womb, and risk to the mother’s life.

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