Paraguayan prosecutors invoke national interest before impeachment

(Prensa Latina) The Association of Paraguayan Prosecutors called in a communiqué to “put the national interest before the imminent political trial against the leader of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Sandra Quiñónez, a local media published today.

The jurists expressed concern “before the serious events that would affect the institutionality” of that portfolio in the process requested by deputies against the official for not fulfilling her duties, adds ABC Color.

The Association of Prosecutors reacted to the almost certain approval of the impeachment trial by the Chamber of Deputies, within which some sources estimate that there are already 52 of the 53 votes necessary for its approval.

The text of the Paraguayan prosecutors proclaims that “respect for the autonomy, independence and role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office is key for the construction of a democracy that improves the quality of life of the people”.

It also warns the authorities against “decisions that would bring instability in the functioning of a constitutional body”.

The Association’s communiqué urges to preserve “the work carried out in such sensitive areas as organized crime, the fight against drug trafficking, corruption and money laundering”.

Several charges related to these crimes were brought by Interior Minister Arnaldo Giuzzio against former President Horacio Cartes in allegations that also implicated Quiñonez for “shelving” the cases.

He made several revelations before the Permanent Commission of Congress about the businessman and politician’s illegal activities, including money laundering and drug trafficking, during an appearance on 3 February.

According to ABC Color, Giuzzio’s accusations triggered an escalation of accusations against the former vice president and other personalities, which also reveal the complicity of representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s Office such as Quiñonez.

Several deputies supported the Minister’s allegations about criminal acts of former officials years ago that also involved Cartes, who appointed the current Attorney General during his Presidency (2013-2018).

The accusation in Paraguay of officials for this process is attributed to the Chamber of Deputies, while it corresponds to the Senate to judge them and declare them guilty or not, only to remove them from their positions.

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