More than 63% of Quito citizens disapprove of the management of Santiago Guarderas as mayor of the capital of Ecuador

The Opinion Profiles pollster published the study on the qualification of the management of the mayor of Quito, Santiago Guarderas, in the first month of 2022.

In the few months in which he has been in charge of the capital’s Mayor’s Office, Guarderas has registered a sustained decline in his approval.

For January of this year he has a reduction of almost two percentage points. 17.69% of people from Quito describe his management as good and very good, when in December it was at 19.96%.

While 40. 27% rate it as bad and 23.59% as very bad.

The survey was conducted on January 29, 30 and 31. On this last day, at night the flood occurred that caused the death of several people and dozens of affected families in the sector of La Gasca and La Comuna. Victims of the disaster have blamed the lack of actions during this rainy season and other omissions by Guarderas to prevent this emergency.

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